######### QUOTES FOR J&WW EPISODE: "CRITICAL MASS" ################# % "Flora, even my powers can't devine why Herc would set us down here. We were going directly toward Audric's signal." 'Something to do with money, I bet. Go get him, Jayce.' --Gillian and Flora, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Why are Herc's tracks so zigg-zaggy?" 'Oon, that's just the way he thinks sometimes....' --Oon and Jayce, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Twenty north... fifty east...." --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Jayce, you take all the fun out of life." --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "What's this?" 'Be careful, ah, that map's a thousand years old!' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % 'Come on, kid, relax. What's another hour or two?' --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Don't look at me that way!" --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "In case anybody's interested, this happens to be a map to the treasure of Zornadu. Won it in card game on Altair seven." --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % Flora: "This ought to make a great paper airplane!" Herc: [grabbing his treasure map back] "Hands off, spinach nose!" --Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, "Critical Mass" % "Okay... it's not my day." --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % Gillian: "What's this?" Flora: "A whole Galaxy...." Jayce: "Taken over by Monster Minds... did any people live down there?" Gillian: "Oh, not for centuries, fortunately." --Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, "Critical Mass" % "How long to fix the hyper drive?" 'Oh, a month, easy--if it isn't worse than I think.' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Fascinating. The vines have pulled all the planets in this galaxy so close together it could form a black hole... ah, just a bit more mass." --Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "A black hole? We're gettin' out of here... *fast*!" --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Kid, you don't fool around with black holes... even to get a *galaxy* out of your way!" --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Gillian, you always said planets are like the flowers of space. Would you destroy one on *purpose*?" 'Only a dead planet, my child.' --Flora and Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Perfect. Quite dead and with enough old rocket parts for our purposes." --Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Jayce, I feel like... something's alive here!" --Flora, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Herc, you got the life form detector working yet?" 'Gimme a break! I can't fix everything at once!' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Flora, we orbited the planet and there was no sign of life. Are you *sure*?" 'No. I guess not. It was a fuzzy feeling anyway--probably just leftover old moss.' --Jayce and Flora, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Once the rockets are ignited we'll have to leave rather quickly." --Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Herc, are we ready for liftoff?" 'Herc Stormsailor doesn't hang around black holes.' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "I suspect the vines themselves will help us. We now have three hours 'til critical mass." --Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Again! I feel it... someone's alive down there!" --Flora, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Herc, is the life-form detector repaired yet?" 'Not that it makes any difference now, but, ah... sure.' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Good heavens! Human life... one person on that doomed planet, the poor soul!" --Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "We have to go back." 'Kid, you finally broke the string on your yo-yo. Forget it!' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Kid, you finally broke the string on your yo-yo. Forget it!" --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "We have three hours to save an innocent person. We can do it!" 'Two hours and fifty minutes...and we *can't*.' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Look, it's not that I don't feel sorry for whoever's down there--" [Gillian diddle's Herc's treasure map and then uses his magic to bring the map to Herc's attention] "--the lost treasure of Zornadu! It's buried on *that* planet!" --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Nine minutes to land, six minutes to where the X is, seven minutes to dig...." --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Hey... this is the same place my treasure map shows. Ha ha. You're in luck!" --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Master, I'd feel saver in good old Armed Force." 'Drill Sergeant's a great fighter too, Oon. And we'll need it to dig once we take care of these guys." --Oon and Jayce, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Hey, you never fought like this to save the universe!" 'Kid, you got your crusade, I got mine.' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Oh Gillian, they should be helping each other, not going in different directions." 'Indeed. How forgetful I'm becoming.' --Flora and Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Okay... thirty due north--hey! I've been reading this wrong. Well, that's better. Thirty due *south*!" --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Remember, kid, the human down there is yours. But the treasure's *mine*." --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Splendid. A chance to test my new armor plating. It seems to work, wouldn't you say, Flora?" --Gillian, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "What a civilization this must have been." 'What a *rich* civilization! Oh, baby, I finally hit it big!' --Jayce and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Hey, this map doesn't fit anymore. Oh well, I got fifty-eight minutes to check out this place." --Herc Stormsailor, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Dag gum claim jumpers'll follow a man anywere!" --Happy Trails, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Into the vehicles. You too." 'You don't have to tell me twice, sonny!' --Jayce and Happy Trails, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "More claim jumpers, *that's* what they are. DAG NABBIT!" --Happy Trails' opinion of the MM troopers, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Something. We have to do something... the pillars support the ceiling, there must be tons of rock overhead. [He gets that look in his eyes as though a light bulb has come on over his head.] Retreat! Lure the MM into the center. It's our only hope!" --Jayce is the man with the plan, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Thank goodnees. I was beginning to feel like a steamed cauliflower!" --Flora, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "What--what's *that*?" 'My treasure!' "Mine, daggit!" 'We'll fight over it later, old timer!' --Happy Trails and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "I can't believe it. I'm leaving the lost treasure of Zornadu behind!" 'That ain't Zornadu, you idiot! It's Koobla Kee!' --Herc and Happy Trails, J&WW "Critical Mass" % Happy Trails: "That ain't Zornadu, you idiot! It's Koobla Kee!" Herc: "And I've got a map that *proves*--" Jayce: "Gillian made your map. Herc, I'm sorry." Herc: "Huh? What did you say?" --Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors; "Critical Mass" % "But what an intersting coincidence... that there should *actually* be a treasure." 'Yeah, *very* interesting.' --Gillian and Herc, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "You can just set me down on the nearest inhabited planet." 'If we pass one. But we can't go out of our way. We don't have the time.' "Suit yourself, sonny. I know a thousand long songs to help pass the time away." --Happy Trails and Jayce, J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Oh, I'm the lonesome prospec-tor, diggin for gold in every space vec-tor, but the planet I call hoOoOoOoOooooooome!" --The ballad of the lonesome prospector, as sung by Happy Trails; J&WW "Critical Mass" % "Herc, find the nearest inhabited planet!" --Jayce (unable to stand Happy Trail's off key crooning); J&WW "Critical Mass"