#### EPISODE 3: "Flora, Fauna, and the Monster Minds" % "Capture them! Destroy the root!" --Sawboss, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Drill vines launched from Taurus Centaurus will soon reach their ship. I will force them to land on a close planet. The drill vines will then prepare my coming. Before the LL can react, they'll be in my hands!" --Sawboss, the spore with a plan; J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Oh, now look what you've done, you overgrown tin can!" --Herc (to Oon); J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "What's wrong?" 'I don't know, the inertial guidance system just stopped working....' --Flora and Jayce; J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "How in the cosmos did this get aboard?" --Herc, upon discovering that there's a giant MM vine in one of the _Pride's_ holds; J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "There's a MM vine in the water supply. It broke the guidance module!" 'Thank goodness it wasn't *my* fault.... [Oon then thinks about it a little more, and realizes whose fault it is]... *M-MM! HERE?!*' --Herc Stormsailor and Oon; J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Jayce, what are you doin'?" 'Dumping the water.' "Oh. Oh, okay. [Tick, tick, tick.] *WHAT?!!!!!*" --Herc and Jayce; J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Good thinking, my Master!" 'Oh yeah. Yeah--that was *great* thinking. Now we're *really* up the galaxy without a thruster!' --Oon and Herc (right after Jayce dumps the _Pride's_ water supply into space); J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "The water wasn't usable anymore, Herc. You know it was the only quick remedy." --Gillian, on dumping the _Pride's_ water out into space (J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM") % "The vine is gone, but I don't know.... I still feel strange." 'All will be well, my child.' --Flora and Gillian (and some *almost* famous last words from Gillian); J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "We'll have to find a place to land and get more water." 'Huh. That's easy for you to say. There isn't a landing site for a couple of million miles!' --Jayce and Herc (who's still miffed that Jayce dumped all their water into space); J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "What about the inertial guidance, Gillian?" 'All we need is a new Cobalt 49 crystal. I should be able to find one here. This part of the Galaxy is full of Cobalt 49.' "As soon as the water is aboard, I'll take you out in Armed Force." 'Don't worry, my boy. I shall not go too far. A little walk will do my old legs some good.' --Jayce and Gillian (who makes mistake number two); J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Maybe we can shake the kink out." 'I'll get it out! I'll do it with my magic lance!' --Jayce and Oon (squirely adventures in water pumping) J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "When the trap is ready, prepare the receptacle for me. I'll finish this boy off myself!" --Sawboss gets greedy, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Diamonds. Just old diamonds. Where's Cobalt 49 when you need it?" --Gillian, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Hi, we came to your planet for some water!" --Flora (to a cactus), J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Ah, just another diamond again." --Gillian (and his search for Cobalt 49); J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Flora... a little slower. Age does have it's drawbacks." 'You can do it, Gillian!' --Gillian and Flora (climbing the cave wall),J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Knock it off, Brock. Go goof around with somebody else! Oh, if my old friends could see me now... talking to a *fish*!" --HErc Stormsailor, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "I think we're in trouble." --Gillian states the obvious, as MM troops close in from all sides ( J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM") % "Ah-choo! Ah-ah-ah-choo!" 'A little oil in your joints and you'll be just fine.' --Oon and Jayce, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Clear the receptacle, Terror Trooper. OUr lord's headquarters will be teleported to your planet on his command." --K.O. Kruiser, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % Jayce: "We can't take the risk of having the _Pride_ attacked on the ground." Herc: "I can get the old girl off the ground, but without the Cobalt-49, I can't control her direction." Jayce: "Just stay in the air out of reach of the MM." --J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % Herc: "And I suppose you're going after Gillian and Flora?" Jayce: "I *have* to find them. I'll take Armed Force. Oon, you take Spike Trike." Oon: [incredulous] "*Me*???" Jayce: "You can do it, Oon. Brock, lead the way!" --J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "He's falling right into my trap. Troopers, prepare to attack!" --Sawboss, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Armed Force, full throttle!" --J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "No! No, Jayce! Go back! Go back, Brock, stop Jayce. It's a trap!" --Flora, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Quick, Brock. Take Flora to Jayce." 'But Gillian, what about you?' "I have a magic spell up my sleeve." --Gillian and Flora, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "I have a magic spell up my sleeve." [And then later....] "Too bad I can't remember it." --Gillian, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "You incompetent fools! Must I do everything myself?" --Sawboss (to his troops), J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "For the glory of the black light, I go!" --Sawboss (to his troops), J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Jayce! Gillian, he fell from the bridge into the water!" --Flora, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % Jayce: "Did you find Gillian, Brock?" Brock: *Squeak! Squeaky-squeak!* Flora: [concerned] "He can't find him!" --J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Turn it around, Herc. We *must* find Gillian!" 'I'm sorry, kid. But he's gone. We have to save ourselves.' "*Herc*!" --Jayce and Herc, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "You let them go! But they'll be back for the wizard... *find him*!" --Sawboss, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "I'm glad I remembered the magic spell. It was beginning to get humid down there." --Gillian, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "We've got to go back. Gillian's alive, I can sense it!" 'I know how you feel about Gillian, but he's gone, Flora.' "No! He's not! He's alive, I can *sense* him. He's definitely alive!" --Flora and Herc, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % [Jayce hears Gillian's voice in his mind: *The ring!* He looks down and sees the ring glowing brightly.] "Look! It's Gillian! I know he's alive, and so does Flora. We have to go back. *Now!*" --Jayce, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Just as I predicted, they return for the wizard. Go. And do not fail this time...." --Sawboss, back in the running; J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Jayce, don't go into that box canyon. It could be a trap." 'I have no choice. Flora and Gillian are in there!' --Herc and Jayce, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "I knew it. Cobalt-49, a perfect specimen!" --Gillian, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "The root, Jayce!" 'You're not getting the root yet, Sawboss!' --Sawboss and Jayce, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Ring, in the name of the Lightning League, help me with your powers!" --Jayce, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "The ground is breaking up... quickly, teleport now to a safer location. Jayce will be mine another day!" --Sawboss, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "How's the guidance system operating?" 'It's hard to admit it, but good work, Gillian.' --Gillian and Herc, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" % "Well, hot shot, what are your orders?" 'Simple. Let's find my father!' --Herc and Jayce, J&WW: "Flora, Fauna and the MM" %